What Now?

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock with no connection to the human race the past week, I have a news flash for you…..

Donald J. Trump is the president-elect. It’s been almost a week, and I’m still having problems adjusting to this reality. Rather than look at what I think went wrong, let’s look at things we can do NOW to make it better

  1. Engage! Now, I’m not talking about the cool scene in Star Trek the Next Generation “We have engaged the Borg” but actually engaging the enemy. Don’t block someone because they voted for Trump, follow them. If we need to understand one thing about the election, it’s how a person won the presidential election with over 60% of his own voters saying that he wasn’t suited for the job. In my view, I probably blocked/unfriended people on facebook/twitter who I didn’t agree with way too much. I can’t understand why some people voted for Trump if I don’t actually understand how they think. Read some right wing websites, read the op-eds in the paper by conservative writers, etc
  2. Read! Normally, I read the morning paper in the following order: Sports, Entertainment, then the Front Page. Not anymore…Now it’s the Front part of the paper first. I’ve now subscribed to TIME magazine. I’m reading even more websites than I used to. AND NOW….I’m reading sites I never wanted to read. But I want to understand what the heck happened
  3. Volunteer! Here’s the link to the volunteer form for the Arizona Democratic Party. Don’t get involved just every four years, it’s important to do this year round.
  4. Run for Office! There are a large number of local races that need a liberal person to run for the office!! Do it
  5. Donate! Worried that Trump will abolish certain rights? Donate to Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and whoever else you can find.

Election Predictions

I’ll throw this out there…So I can have a record on how wrong I may be 🙂


Hillary Clinton 320 Electoral Votes

Trump–Who Cares?


A Hillary win by about 50,000 votes

Yes on 205 by about 20,000 votes

Yes on 206 by a about 3 points

McCain wins by about 5 points

Say Bye-Bye to Arpaio by about 9 points (one can hope)

The Stupid Trump Ground Game

So this is the email I received from the Trump people this morning (I signed up to get emails from the Trumps for the comedic value only)

From: Jeff DeWit Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 8:34 AM To: Mark Homewood Subject: Vote for Mr. Trump to put Arizona on the Path to Victory!


Mark — Today November 8th all eyes will turn to states like Arizona in the West. Show the country by voting for Donald J. Trump as the next President of the United States! Click the link to find more information about your polling place: https://www.azsos.gov/ As your State’s Treasurer, I am counting on you to make Arizona proud by voting. Your polling place opens at 8:00 AM. Plan your day around voting for Mr. Trump, so pledge your support here: http://www.thetrumpcontract.com/ Don’t forget to tell your friends to vote for Mr. Trump, so log into Trump Talk and make calls. I spoke to Mr. Trump the other day, and he challenged each one of his Supporters to dial 100 calls. Those reminders could be 100 more votes. Log in here: https://talk.donaldjtrump.com/ If you see an issue at a polling place, or even possible voter fraud, speak up, do not keep silent. Call (844) 332-2016 or click here to report the problem: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/landing/election-issue Remember, the Polls close at 9:00 PM, so do not miss your opportunity to raise you voice. This country needs a leader like Mr. Trump, not another career politician. Find your polling place at the link and go vote for Mr. Trump in Arizona: https://www.azsos.gov/ Let’s Make America Great Again, Jeff DeWit State Treasurer of Arizona Follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/JeffDeWitAZ

Log in again, or sign up for the first time to dial for Mr. Trump: https://talk.donaldjtrump.com/

To donate directly to Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. Click here: https://secure.donaldjtrump.com/

Download the app, America First here: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/app


Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

This email was sent to mhomewood@gmail.com. To stop receiving emails, click here.


In AZ, the polls are open from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Dumbasses